B-Schools in India Fear a Dull Placement Scenario

By SiliconIndia   |   Tuesday, 06 September, 2011
Bangalore: Business schools in India are bracing up for what could be a reminder of the 2008 downgrade taking its toll on placements of graduating students. With the American government losing its top-tier AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor’s, Indian educational institutes fear its impact on recruitment plans of international companies translating this to a not-so-impressive placement season for students, dragging down average salaries.

Although the situation is not as critical as during the post-Lehman Brothers crisis, top B- Schools are not taking chances and are inviting more companies than usual. Global financial and consulting giants have been among the major recruiters from the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) particularly from Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Calcutta and have been the leading paymasters offering crore-plus salaries. Major companies have already sent feelers that say they might take fewer students when they participate in the summer and final placements. This might pose a challenge to many management universities because of the increased batch size.

The IIMs will begin their summer placements this November. B-schools decided to host many more new companies, including public sector units in 2008. Institutes have since been inviting smaller private equity players and wealth management firms as well.
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