IIPM - Indian Institute of Planning and Management, Mumbai Mumbai, Fees, Courses, Admission Date Updates
IIPM's industry researches are consolidated through its journals, namely, 4Ps (Marketing Journal), Human Factor (HR Journal), Need the Dough (Finance Journal) and India Economy Review (National Economy Journal). IIPM journals table most relevant industry researches across various geographies internationally and across various functions, and are subscribed to by leading organizations internationally. Faculties from the world's best organizations contribute to IIPM journals. IMD Lausanne, Chicago University Graduate School of Business, Columbia Graduate School of Business, Tuck School at Dartmouth College, London Business School, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon University, Cranfield University, Aston Business School, Andersen Graduate School of Management, State University of New York, San Jose State University, University of Illinois, University of New South Wales, University of Southern Queensland etc are some of the institutions from where faculties have contributed to IIPM's leading journals.
IIPM International Placements
In addition IIPM now with its international placement offices has started to focus on international placements as we have seen our students after being employed for some years in national locations move out for prospects abroad and are working at senior levels in countries like Singapore, America, Australia, Dubai, London, Canada and the list is endless. In the current year the highest national package for an IIPM student was Rs. 12 lacs and seven students were selected. Our  national recruiters are leaders in their industries like Consulting; Price Waterhouse Coopers, Deloitte Consulting…, Banking; Citibank, ICICI Bank, HSBC, Standard Chartered, HDFC,  ABN Amro, Kotak Bank, American Express…, Financial and Research services; Evalue serve.com,Copal Partners, WNS Global, Pipal Research, IMRB, Karvy Consultants, Prudential ICICI, G.E Money, Citifinancials…, Consumer products; Eveready Industries, Asian paints, HLN, Berger paints, LG, Bluestar ... , Insurance; ICICI Prudential, Bajaj Allianz, Met Life, Tata AIG, Aviva Life, Birla Sunlife… , Information Technology and services ; Oracle Corporation, HP, IBM, Intel, HCL, Hutchison…  And many more industry leaders like Yamaha Motors, Essar Group, DLF universal, Shaw Wallace, Sahara India, Reliance Communications, Anand rathi,  NEI, Bharat Shell, Malwa Group…