Where Are Google's First 21 Employees?

Employee No 19: Larry Schwimmer

Employed from: 1999 - n/a

Position Served: software engineer

Present Company/position: n/a

He was one of the early software engineers in the organization. Schwimmer came up with Snippet, a productivity system to keep track of the employees during the rapid growth phase of the company.

Employee No 18: Jim Reese

Employed from: 1999 - n/a

Position Served: Chief Operations Engineer

Present Company/position: n/a

Reese was also one among the former engineers in Google.


Employee No 17: Gerald Aigner

Employed from: 1999 - 2006

Position Served: Hardware designer

Present Company/position: Independent Internet Professional (as on LinkedIn)

He was hired by Google to manage supply cost. However after 7 years in the company now he is settled in London as an internet professional.

Employee No 16: Susan Wojcicki

Employed from: April 1999 - Present

Position Served: SVP of Product

The small garage in Susan’s home served as the office of Google during its Initial times. Sergey Brin, the co-founder later married Susan’s sister, Anne. Susan is currently one of the most powerful women employees at the company.

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