What Marketing Guru Philip Kotler Suggests For Indian Marketers and B-Schools


4. Talking About HUL-Reckitt Benckiser Ad War

Commenting about the HUL-Reckitt Benckiser ad war he said big and recognized brands like HUL and Reckitt Benckiser do not get into dog fights like this. It can not only hamper their reputation but also reduce their market value.

He further added that when one brand had to react to the other, there's no such thing as 'public interest' as far as a brand is concerned.

5. What Indian B-Schools Must Teach

Talking about the B-Schools curriculum, Kotler commented that the IIM and IIT syllabus are pretty much state of art. But he also hopes that the business schools involve more capitalist and pioneering classes, instead of teaching only managerial business skills. It will not only help the students to achieve greater potential but also make them prepare to be proactive in any crisis situation.

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