Top 18 Executives Who Actually Run Facebook

4. Galyn Burke, Customer Marketing Manager

Burke was on the trip because she's involved in managing Facebook's relationship with Walmart. This was not her first trip to Bentonville, according to her public profiles.

5. Greg Badros, VP of Engineering and Products

Prior to joining Facebook in June 2009, Badros was at Google for six years, where he worked on AdSense and Gmail, among other products. His colleagues call him “Star”. He is technical, entrepreneurial, articulate and humble. He can speak to a crowd of engineers and sales people with equal ease and enthusiasm. Badros has a Ph.D. from the University of Washington and did his undergrad at Duke.

Before he was made in charge of Facebook's monetization products in 2011, he handled the advertising engineering at Facebook for two years.

6. Javier Olivan, Head of Growth, Engagement and Mobile Adoption

As people are shifting from desktop PCs to mobile devices, Olivan makes sure Facebook stays relevant. His is one of the toughest and most important jobs right now.