Top 10 Indian States for Economic Freedom

Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir has shown major improvements over the years even though it is on the seventh position. In 2005 it was at the 15th position on the economic freedom list with a ratio of 0.34 which has increased to 0.46 in 2011.  Jammu and Kashmir is considered the best performing state with low government size and fairly high economic growth. With the large number of central force deployed in the sated the policing functions and manpower can’t be effectively estimated in state-level data.

Rajasthan is another state which has shown improvement in spite of the low rating on the economic freedom list.  With a ratio of 0.37 in 2005 it was on the 12 position and is now on the 8th place with 0.43 rating. The factors that have lead to it improvement are the decline in the number of violent crimes and the recovery of stolen property. However there has been a minor decline in the rating since 2009 when Rajasthan was on the seventh position.

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