Study Identifies The 'Seven Deadly Sins' Of Email, Including Ping Pong

Responding to out of hours emails, for instance, may make an employee look keen but it can also mean workers find it difficult to switch off, according to the study.

"This puts pressure on staff to be permanently on call and makes those they are dealing with feel the need to respond," Russell explained.

"Some workers became so obsessed by email that they even reported experiencing so-called 'phantom alerts' where they think their phone has vibrated or bleeped with an incoming email when in fact it has not.

"Others said they felt they needed to physically hold their smartphone when they were not at their desk so that they were in constant email contact," she said.

Email ping pong, where messages are responded to immediately by both sides until a very long chain builds up, are particularly hated by many of those involved.

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Source: PTI