Nations That Taste the Bitter Feeling of Failure

5. Chad:

Chad is another African nation which has come up in the list of failed nations. It is a landlocked country in Central Africa where 62 percent of the entire population lives on just $1.25 a day and the average adult receives just one and a half years of schooling. This country is surrounded by instability, with Sudan to the east and the Central African Republic to the south. The public infrastructure in Chad is almost missing and human rights abuses are rampant. According to the United Nations' Human Development Index ranks, Chad is the seventh poorest country in the world with 80 percent of the population living below poverty line.

6. Yemen:

Yemen is one of the failednation located on the Arab Peninsula. It is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East and is dominated by Islamic extremists. According to the World Food Programme, the rate of hunger in this country doubled in the years 2009 and 2012. The increase in food and fuel prices amid political disorder has further complicated the problems. In May 2012, 44 percent of the population did not have enough to eat, out of which 5 million needed emergency aids. Water supply was frequently diminishing in the country and it is predicted in the next decade Yemen’s capital could run dry since tap water is available only occasionally.

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