Meet These 10 Prominent Bengalis in America

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 07 February 2013, 00:22 IST
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Rachel Roy

Rachel Roy is an Indian-American fashion designer of Bengali and Dutch descent who started her fashion career when she was just 14.She is more popular to the fashion world as the ‘person who dresses Mrs. Obama’ and her list of clients includes many other prominent names such as Diane Sawyer, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Garner, Iman, Lucy Liu, Sharon Stone, Wendy Williams (media personality) and Penelope Cruz.

Rachel began her career with ‘Contempo Casuals’, a clothing outlet and later on she worked as a stylist for magazines and music videos. At that time there weren’t many Asian female fashion designers which made Rachel unique and her impact greatly helped other females to establish themselves in this industry.

Rachel was honoured with the Bollywood industry award for her contribution to American fashion in the year 2006 and moreover she got the rare opportunity to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Roy was quoted saying “I’m not at all attracted to people who sleepwalk through life. You have to design the life you want to have,” as reported by The Wall Street Journal.