Meet Apple's 9 Eminent Security Rock Stars

Drew Yao, Product Security Engineer

Year Joined: 2005

What he does at Apple:

He is one of the programmers who use “fuzzing” technology so as to find undiscovered glitches. Fuzzing is a process where the programmer injects random amount of data into an app so that he can take note of different types of glitches within the app.

Yao came into lime light after he found glitches in Adobe Acrobat, Ruby and Firefox.


In 2005, soon after getting his masters in information security from Carnegie Mellon University, Yao was admitted to this post.

Kevin Blanchard, Core OS Security Engineer

Year Joined : 2010

What he does at Apple:

A real expert in penetration testing, a technique used to find previously unknown holes in apps and networks to improve security, Blanchard’s experience is so vast and diverse as he his familiar with engineering and development in commercial, government and classified military environments.


Blanchard’s previous companies include Oracle, TippingPoint, Verizon and Manta Security.

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