Know the 'Horrible' Side of these 7 Renowned Geniuses

Bangalore: As a famous saying goes, “No one is born Perfect”, likewise many great personalities whom the world look upon as a ‘Genius’ does have some shortcomings in their nature. Let’s take a look at the names of such personalities as listed by

1. Henry Ford:

Henry Ford, an American industrialist, was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. Ford did not invent the automobile but he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans could afford to buy. He was responsible for transforming the automobile from an invention of unknown utility into an innovation that profoundly shaped the 20th century. As a person, Henry Ford was a complex and at times, contradictory personality with a wide range of interests and strongly held opinions.  He owned a controversial newspaper, ‘The Dearborn Independent’ that published anti-Jewish articles which offended many. Henry Ford's anti-Semitic (anti-Jew) articles which were published as "The International Jew” was equivalent to Bible for the Nazis.

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