India Ranks 115 on Women Empowerment Meter

The world estimate of the women joining workforce in the next ten years is one billion as per the survey. The survey combines the indicators of women’s strength and potential in economic development, analyzed from a range of norms. The report has detected that even though the budding population of China and India has received much media attention, the women entering the career field in the future have got very little portion of that attention.

India has also shown the highest rate in gender inequality in the world economy. As per another survey it was noticed that out of every 10 senior management post just one was occupied by one women employee in 2010. The government has not got any set record either in India in such cases. There are many social welfare programs which pay the women employees less than the mandate minimum pay fixed by the government and doesn’t offer any retirement pensions, healthcare or any such benefits.

As long as there are social misconceptions that embitter the empowerment of women there is very little hope for the stereotype to change at work. The requirement to educate and spread awareness for the empowerment of women must start in every family to change the social mindset. Only by attending to the basic needs of education, gender equality and equal wages, can there be a significant change in the country’s economy. The eradication of the archaic notion related to the development of women in India is crucial. 

India has the potential to be a leading power in the world in coming years but for that to happen it needs to give equal opportunity and support for women to thrive and succeed in their profession.

Also read: UN Report Supports Women Quota in Indian Parliament