India among World's Least Peaceful Nations: Report

The report also observed that "For the first time since 1994, the total number of fatalities linked to conflict within India dropped below four figures, with a notable decline in deaths related to Islamist terrorism, insurgency in J&K and fatalities associated with Maoist insurgency across the Red Belt."  Nevertheless, it also means that border conflicts between India and its neighbours involving a large military force and increased defence expenditure drags India's overall score down.

The world in general has grown less peaceful, with a 5 percent drop in scores over the last six years. It was seen that more nations worsened in peace in 2012 as the number stood at 110, compared to those which grew more peaceful (48) since 2008.

Killelea said "The findings of this year's index support the prevailing trend of the last six years, namely: a continuing shift away from nations taking up arms against one another and towards more organized internal conflicts. A key factor associated with this is that the peace gap between countries under authoritarian regimes and the rest of the world is becoming larger," as reported by TNN. This is demonstrated by the political instability in the Middle East and the civil war in Syria.

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