Inclusive Growth Should Be Guiding Objective Of UNDP: India

Mukerji said that for the UN development system as well as for the post-2015 development agenda to succeed, the starting premise has to be rooted in the "D of UNDP" and strongly anchored on issues of "development" alone.

"If we were to lose sight of this defining objective, and cloud ourselves with extraneous issues by trying to somehow connect them with development, we would might end up doing the development agenda a great disservice," Mukerji said.

He said given the mandate of the UNDP's Global Programme, it is a "bit disconcerting" to note that even the phrase "poverty eradication" did not find mention in any of the five priorities of UNDP's draft of the global programme.

"This was a bit surprising, as it supposedly drew sustenance from the strategic plan," he said.

India has stressed that the UN Development System should also consider how to empower women by providing them access to, and use of, enabling technologies for socio-economic development.

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Source: PTI