How To Deal With Attrition In a Startup Company

Be supportive

As an entrepreneur it might be difficult to handle the company’s and an employee’s interest but if this is well managed then the outcome of the solution would be fruitful. Every employee must be heard which would make them feel important and this would reduce the attrition rates.

Make the best use

An entrepreneur has an advantage in this situation. Since the employee has decided to leave, he can ensure all the pending works and tasks are completed with that individuals assistance and during the left over period – an entrepreneur must closely work with the exiting employee to understand the reason for attrition and it must be phase where an entrepreneur can convince the employee through various offers within the organization.


It is very important for an entrepreneur to understand and safeguard his intellectual property rights. It may so happen that an arrogant employee may destroy or leak some trivial and sensitive information to destroy the startup. Hence it becomes an important work for an entrepreneur to closely monitor the activities of an individual leaving the company.