How Color of the Logos Define Big Brands

Orange: This color is associated with fire and stands for unconventionality, extreme activity, amusement and sometimes with danger. The brands who have painted their logos in orange include Fanta, Mozilla Firefox and Nickelodeon. In case of the soft drink Fanta, the orange color stands for activity and enthusiasm. In case of Nickelodeon-a TV channel for children- it denotes fun and amusement. The color, which lies next to yellow in the spectrum, denotes frivolity and amusement and entertainment like yellow. Orange color invokes in the viewer emotions such as, creativity, enthusiasm, determination and activity.

Purple: This color, which lies between red and blue, stands for royalty, sophistication and luxury. This color is found in the logos of various luxury brands. Hallmark- the largest manufacturer of cards- uses purple in its logo. The brand, which has a slogan, “When you care enough to send the very best”, makes use of the purple color to send a message of sophistication and exclusivity. The crown in the logo also hints at royalty. The other big brands using purple in their logos include- Yahoo! and FedEx. This color invokes a wide range of emotions, such as nostalgia, romance, luxury and introspection.

Black: The color of night, Black is associated with mystery and elegance. Black, which means the absence of light, signifies death and mourning. The royalty and clergy wore the color; hence, it is associated with formality. The logo of the James Bond movie is black in a white back ground. Here the black signifies mystery and authority. The other big brands sporting black logos include- Blackberry and Tiffany & Co. In both the cases, the black sends a message of elegance, authority and boldness. The color invokes emotions such as boldness, secrecy, luxury and formality.

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