Happy Birthday Intel: 13 Amazing Facts About the Chip Giant


6. Celebrating the Intel's Way

Tradition of customized champagne is there in Intel which they order to celebrate special milestones and successes such as a circuit which finally starts working or shipping a product for the first time. Once the ceiling had to be replaced when so many corks were popped at a time. Bottles of "Domaine d'Intel”, were ordered when in 1973, Intel hit its first $ 3 million month. The Museum of Computing which is Intel’s own, showcases bottles of many such milestones.

7. Intel's Cubicle Culture

Maintaining America’s ‘cubicle culture’, Intel’s offices doesn’t have closed doors. Even top management employees are separated only by shoulder-high cubicles. This is done to keep the communication always open.

Once American TV host and comedian Conan O’Brien visited Intel’s office and criticized them as being dated considering Facebook’s, Twitter’s and Google’s modern offices. After that Intel invested $ 10 million to revamp the work environment.