Feature Load Your Chrome With These 9 Killer Extensions

#6 Ghostery

This is another cool little security add-on that helps you monitor those who are watching you! The Internet is not very secure these days, for better user experience, security is being compromised. Everything you do on the web can be seen by them; with Ghostery you can now watch those trackers. It lets you detect trackers, web bugs, pixels, and beacons placed on web pages by Facebook, Google Analytics, and over 500 other ad networks. In addition to providing you with links that present you with an opportunity to learn about them, it also allows you to block scripts, images and objects from companies you do not trust.

#7 OneTab

Power users have a habit opening tens of different tabs in a short while, this only increases with time and starts draining the resources which slow down the system as a whole. OneTab converts all those nasty resource-hungry tabs into a single list with one click. This will save up to 95 percent memory because of the reduced number of tabs that are open in Google Chrome. When the need arises to access the tabs again it can either be restored individually or all at once.

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