Deadliest Terrorist Attacks That Rocked India in Recent Times

5. Delhi Blasts

Delhi, the capital city of India was targeted by a group of terrorists on the unfateful day of 29th September, 2005. There were three consecutive blasts that occurred at crowded places like Paharganj, Sarojini market and in a bus in the Govindpuri area in the south of the city at around 5.38 pm and each took place within a span of 30 minutes. It paralyzed the normal lives of the city. The blast which took away the lives of 62 people and injured around 210 people was internationally condemned from the United States, Britain, Pakistan, Canada, Australia, China, Sri Lanka, Japan, Belgium, Brazil, Iran, UAE, European Union, Bangladesh, Maldives, and South Africa. In the investigations that are still going on, many evidences clearly point at Lashkar-e-Toiba’s hand behind this horrifying incident.

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