Bangalore Based Startup Cyclecity; The Eco-friendly Delivery Service

It all flung into action when a patient asked for a CD of his X-ray picked up from a hospital and delivered to him making him the first customer. Singh delivers office files to about 7 BPO’s and also have tie ups with local retail shops for picking up damaged products from customer location and replacing them.

 “The only restriction currently we have on the package is that the volume and weight should be manageable safely on the bike. Even if a package is light but the volume is too big to be carried on the bike, we might not be able to deliver it.” Adds  Niranth. The founders are planning to purchase more vehicles and adopt a relay system through pickup and drop-off points across the city at the next level of their expansion.

Even though there is no other competitor who offers eco-friendly service, Delyver another Bangalore based startup has hooked up with restaurants and pizza chains who offer delivery on motor bikes. As per the observation of Deloitte, a consultancy firm; the logistic market in India is growing 20 percent an year with least consideration for local delivery. This will certainly provide a red carpet for the ‘Cyclercity to race through’.

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