Android Threatens Windows On The Desktop

But it’s a long road ahead for Android before it can actually take the desktop crown from Windows. It will be years before all the major software companies release comprehensive Android applications for the desktop, and if there is no support from developers, consumers will not move to Android. This is a bit of a chicken and egg problem. Even though the average users don’t mind shifting to a new platform as long as it is able to satisfy their basic computing needs, enthusiasts who have a need for using Windows, will only endorse Android after it is out of its infancy.

If such a change is to happen in the next few years, enterprises will be the last ones to embrace it, as they are far too heavily invested in Microsoft for them to make such a significant change any time soon. But these are the early indications that if Microsoft does not take the necessary steps, their desktop operating system could be dethroned in the long term.

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