Indian IT Service Sector Gears Up For 2014

2014 is likely to see few trends that will rock IT organizations mainly on the revenue side.Competition will encourage IT organizations to find ways to turn data into additional revenue streams.On the expense side, there will be introduction of OPEX model of BaaS/DRaaS, for the first time, which will be quite feasible.IT organizations have a long history of making hardware/software investments using CAPEX funds that are amortized over a period of years.  However, when given the choice consumers actually prefer an OPEX model.  BaaS and DRaaS are ideal for an OPEX model because of the interest in reducing CAPEX and moving data offsite.

As Sriram Kanuri, CEO of Arteria Technologies puts it, “Adoption of Nexus of forces as Gartner predicts, Cloud, Mobility, Analytics and Social would be the interesting trend to watch in large and SME segments.” In 2014 you will see many more advanced solutions for IT organizations in the market.

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