5 Social Media Security Threats Confronting Enterprises

Bangalore: Man is a social being and cannot live in aloofness. Uprising of Social media like Twitter, Facebook, and LikedIn added ease to our social senses. It is this prowess of social media increasingly becoming the platform for entrepreneurs to engage with customers, to establish brands and for communicating information to the rest of the world. While it all seems to be on sunnier side, there are shady risks involved in using social media that range from deterioration of brand image to exposing information to inviting libels. Here are some of the social media threats that confront enterprises as compiled by NetworkWorld.

#5 Mobile Apps

Rise of social media and revolution in mobile computing are intertwined. Employees on their own or on company’s smart devices end up downloading several apps, sometimes more than what they had bargained for, in turn inviting several cyber threats. In early March this year, Google has removed 60 apps carrying malicious software from its Android Market. Some of the malware are ferocious that easily disclosed the user's private information to the third party, replicate itself on other devices, destroy user data or even impersonate the device owner.

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