9 Valuable Tips on Online Reputation Management for CIOs

4. Contact Those Responsible for Negative Publicity:

Negative content against any company is almost inevitable. The bigger the organization, the more difficult it becomes to monitor the reviews being published online for or against the company. As soon as you figure a negative feedback against your business try contacting the person who has posted the review. Try finding out a way by which you can rectify the error and turn their review into positive. If that does not work, leave a comment justifying your side of the story.

3. Monitor Your Reputation Outside:

The online negative feedbacks often emerge because of a faulty offline trend that is prevalent. If not corrected it will transform into a negative rage online and that can be disruptive. Treat your customers well and as k those who are happy from your services to leave a review on Yelp or similar platforms. Once you take care of the offline reputation, online reputation will start mending itself.