9 Craziest Phone Patents Ever

#4 Skin Flick

Filed: November 19, 2007

Company: Nokia

Nokia, the Finnish mobile manufacturers may be seeing its low, these days. The company had cut lots of jobs, mainly from the Research and Development department. But when we run through the patents, it seems like this company is the one having most innovative ideas among the herd. If you are in doubt, check out this patent application: It makes your skin an interface to your phone. A tattoo applied on your skin will vibrate when you get a call. It also covers a wearable remote control which can interact with your cell phone based on your movements. It can be attached to anything- Your body, your dress or anything.  

So think about this- you skin vibrates and you will need a single grind of finger to answer a call or two to reject it!

#3 iPhone 3D

Filed: July 7, 2010

Company: Apple

3D phones are predicted to be the next revolution in touchscreens. Apple may have filed this patent keeping that in mind. He patent covers the technology by which you can simply swipe through the 3 dimensional images without even touching the phone. Just hovering your fingers over the screen would control it. So it’s going to be easier to deal with the notifications and pop-ups.