8 Worst Tech CEOs Ever

#4 Meg Whitman

Company: eBay (1998 - 2007)

Ape-poch momentShoving an employee in an executive conference room, which resulted in a financial settlement of around $200,000.

Though she is credited for transforming eBay into a billion-dollar business, the employees have a different story, reportedly perceived her as a rageaholic who could not complete a sentence without swearing and attacking employees. One alleged altercation in 1999 had her throwing a phone at a marketing exec because the eBay site crashed, while another, in 2006, had her spazzing on recruiters for not interviewing a candidate: "Are you taking me for nuts with this crap? Do I have to slave everything myself? … I don’t need this crap.” However, nothing topped her 2007 shoving incident with employee Young Mi Kim right before a scheduled media interview. Kim threatened to sue the company and walked away with a six-figure settlement. Whitman resigned as CEO in 2007 and eBay employees have sighed in relief ever since.