6 Ways To Pep Up Your Startup Website

#5 Make the staff accessible, to an extent

It is advisable to cut off individual channels of communication as they may open up a trespassing loop hole for frauds and spams. Security can be kept out of attack by providing the link that takes to Twitter or LinkedIn page than embedding the bios into the main website. A separate ‘contact us’ opening a different channel for communication is also a welcome option as it assists in filtering out easily the character of queries that are being received.

#4 Craft concise, punchy language

Language is an integral part in expressing the character of a startup. Accurate use of words and information that is precise under 500 words is considered as ideal in the opinion of Nathan Swartz, a Pittsburgh-based web designer. A power packed punch line can also be a proper replacement for the time scarce demography as it offers the core idea in capsule format. Free tools like Google Analytics can be a bonus in effectively monitoring traffic and pinpointing areas for improvement.

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