6 Rejuvenating Solutions For Stressed Entrepreneurs

# 5 Focus on real people in the real world

When you are on an important family visit or otherwise watching a new movie with friends, you may come across terrifying situations that keep you locked up in thoughts. But there is a fantastic plug-in that really poses to be useful to help you out with this. It is called Inbox Pause. The application describes itself as ‘the paradigm-shiftingest, game-changingest email innovation’. This allows you to control messages that appear in your inbox. You can put new messages on hold, so that they don’t appear on the list until you are ready for them by clicking on the ‘Unpause’ Button.

# 4 Caulk the cracks

We may have experienced emails that have never been checked, received or delivered. Sometimes when the email is delivered the recipient fails to reply to it. This may seem unfortunate as these scenarios may lead to missed deadlines, in turn causing stress due to unavoidable actions. Gmail provides another simple solution ‘Boomerang for Gmail’. This option helps you to put your mind at ease by scheduling emails to be sent or remind yourself if there are any.

You can also take your time in keeping your tasks ready. There is no need to hurry. Just keep a track of work done and calm yourself.

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