6 Best Diwali Destinations Across the Globe

South Africa
Shout Africa shares the same spirit of Diwali celebration as it is India. With a high percent of Indians in this continent, Diwali is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and joy. Diwali being the ‘Festival of lights’ the decorations are given prime importance and prayers are offered and sweets are prepared, children and elders light the crackers, with fun and fright creating the perfect picture. With a diverse Indian crowd in South Africa a cultural variety can be seen in Diwali celebration.

Dubai is next on the list of Diwali destinations. With a large number of Indian populations Dubai takes special care when celebrating Diwali. The celebration is similar to the typical lighting lamp, offering prayers to Goddess Lakshmi and then comes the bursting of crackers. The special Diwali shopping includes clothes and jewelry. The Diwali week also has events like jewelry showcase in Dubai. Adding to this, Dubai also has special events for dancing and singing where most Indian celebs perform. Certain Indian resorts offer special delicacies and Indian folk dances and they also create special lunches making Diwali nostalgic.

Also Read: Indian Americans Unite to Rejoice Diwali