6 Best Diwali Destinations Across the Globe

Macau, Chinese administrative province attracts a large number of tourists, for its location, hospitality, gaming and gambling industry. It is located on the western part of the Pearl River Delta.
Macau gives eminent preference to the celebration of Diwali to the Indian tourists, by adding special travel offer to attract the crowd. With villas and resorts adorned by Diwali lighting and captivating fireworks, they make their guests feel close to home. Macau is one of the most opted travel destinations after Singapore by Indians during Diwali.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong, situated on the south coast of China, is the next most desired travel spot during Diwali.  Hong Kong also has Indian Community in minority who decorate their homes with lights and laps and burn crackers on the street, which offers a familiar site to the visiting Indians. Hong Kong offers Diwali packages giving great deals to people to enjoy and watch the spectacle of the celebrations and it has appeased many Indian hearts over the years. For those who like to visit temples, the Hindu temple in Happy Valley is ideal to be a part of Diwali celebrations in the temple.

Also Read: Indian Americans Unite to Rejoice Diwali