5 Myths That Eclipse Cloud Computing

1. Cloud Computing is a ‘New-Craze’
Myth: Majority of the people think that cloud is a thing of the future that is still to come in existence. They believe that it is a new bug that has bit the technocrats and will take time to find a place in their daily routines.

Clarification: Well, the truth is that almost all of us have been using cloud computing in our lives without even noticing it. When we use email services such as Gmail, or shop on Amazon or eBay, while booking tickets on travel sites, or while buying your favorite music on iTunes, we are doing all this using the cloud technology. We already rely on the cloud to a great extent and the technology is here to stay.

2. Cloud Computing is Only Meant for Consumers
Myth: Most of the corporate are hesitant to deploy cloud because of the misconception that it is only meant to be used by end level users.

Clarification: The truth is that cloud computing is not bounded by the level of user using it but can be widely adapted by all. In fact, there are corporate houses that have started using cloud for its ease and simplicity. There are some who use services like Salesforce.com to track and administer their sales data using cloud and almost 85 percent of the Fortune 500 companies are reliant on internal social networking services like Yammer that use cloud to store data.


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