5 Incredible Apple Products Designed By Jobs We Still Haven't Seen

#2 iTV

Apple’s iTV, without a doubt is most expected and famous Apple product, which originated from Steve Jobs claim to Walter Isaacson months before he died that he finally “cracked” the TV problem. An Apple’s most serious foray in to living room, which seems to be ok with existing TVs, arousing curiosity,  how iTV can bring in change.   

Apple has repeatedly been working on bringing Jobs’ vision to market. Recently the company is reaching out to cable providers to stream live TV to the living rooms, but cable industry is apparently put on alert about involving Apple in any way, trying to learn from example what Apple did to music industry and telecom industry.

The Apple’s iTV may be ‘the’ product for living room when we see what iPhone did for Smartphones, iPad for tablets, and Mac books for computers. It is not clear if Apple ever manages to bring out iTV, but if it does, it could be an ultimate realization of Job’s most dreamt product.