20 Tech Skills That Will Instantly Get You Big Salary

#16 Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Value in the Market - $102,000

Undeniably, software is really complicated, not for the developers but for the rest of the teams involved in the whole process. Therefore, the task falls to a specific individual or team to simplify the technical jargon for the technical writer, marketing team, analyst and everyone else attached to the program.

The UML team converts the intricate workings and functions of the software into visual representations in form of charts or diagrams which can be universally understood without any complications.Such a background which integrates programming language with easy to understand representations of said data is highly valued in the market.

#15 SOX

Value in the Market -$102,000

Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 is a law which regulates how a company discloses its financial information.

As a result of SOX, top management must now individually certify the accuracy of financial information. In addition, penalties for fraudulent financial activity are much more severe. Also, SOX increased the independence of the outside auditors who review the accuracy of corporate financial statements, and increased the oversight role of boards of directors. Due to SOX an IT management category was born called, compliance. This division not only takes care of SOX but it also covers healthcare and financial regulations.

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