20 Tech Skills That Will Instantly Get You Big Salary

#18 Windows Azure

Value in the Market - $101,000

Windows Azure is a cloud computing platform used to build, deploy and manage applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. With windows azure you can build applications using programming languages, tools or frameworks and it is even possible for developers to integrate public cloud applications in their existing IT environment.

Scott Guthrie, Microsoft's Vice President for Windows Azure, has been convincing the company's loyal following of Windows programmers to toss their apps onto its cloud and to his delight, interest in Azure is growing.

If you hold experience in Azure, then $101,000 is your reason not to shy out from mentioning it.

#17 Business Intelligence

Value in the Market - $102,000

This comprises of a whole set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information. Intelligence technologies in business provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. It is the role of a soothsayer in a tech world – the only difference being this is based on proof.

Adding the term Business Intelligence to your name gives you a mystic air and a hefty pay.

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