20 Geeky Movies Every Techie Must See


12. Avatar

Avatar was a huge box office hit. In fact, the most successful motion picture of all time and also one of the most technically moving. Director James Cameron manages to use great visuals of the film, especially in 3D which goes beyond what we can express in words. The movie is a story of a disabled marine who finds a way to walk again with the help of a new piece of technology. This tech enables him to link with an “avatar” hybrid of an alien race. When he is sent to them, he is conflicted with helping his adopted world where he finds his love and his own world where a wheelchair awaits him.

11. Pi

Dark and terrifying, it’s a powerful film which tells the story of a man who attempts to understand the natural uncertainty in the world by breaking it down into numbers. The main character starts hallucinating and experience impossible headaches, but begins to crack the code behind the stock market. This 1998 paranoid thriller dips into Kabbalah, advanced number theory, and madness.