15 Amazing Google Projects That Failed!

#8 Google Fast Flip

Google Fast Flip was an online news aggregator designed as a combination of elements of print and online articles. It has tie ups with many media houses to present the content and it appeared like a print magazine and let users browse sequentially through bundles of recent news, headlines and popular topics, as well as feeds from individual top publishers. The announcement to discontinue the service came in September 2011 and though Google did not specify the reason, it stated this on its official blog: “For the past two years, in collaboration with publishers, the Fast Flip experiment has fuelled a new approach to faster, richer content display on the web. This approach will live on in our other display and delivery tools”.

#7 Picnik

Picnik was an online photo editing service acquired by in 2010. For several months, it was integrated as a part of Picasa web albums to provide users more options in adding photo effects while editing images through Picasa platform. Although this was a really good service in January 2012, Picnik announced that it would be closing on April 19, 2012. Google has currently added similar tools and functionalities to Google+ and is called as the Creative Kit.

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