10 Unknown Things About Jony Ive- The Man Behind Apple's Greatest Products

#8 His first design project was not a gadget but a toilet, which got rejected

Ive, soon after his college joined a design startup called Tangarine in 1989. The company, as part of Ive’s first design project asked him to design a toilet, bidet and sink. However his design failed to impress the client who rejected it instantly, saying "too expensive to produce."

#7 Jony Ive got a pay raise after suffering a car accident

Jony Ive has a love for fast cars, but in the early 2000s, that hobby almost killed him. After a string of early successes as Apple's design chief, Ive bought an Aston Martin DB9, only to get into a car accident one month later with a member of his design team, which nearly killed them both. Apple's reaction to the event was to give Ive a "big pay raise," and the company understood how valuable Ive is for the company.

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