10 Top Spending Countries on International Tourism

8. Japan
International tourism expenditure in 2012: $28.1 billion

Japan is considered as the power house of the world. The good that are exported from Japan are the best in the market. Some of them are Honda, Hyundai, and Mitsubishi etc.
Japans’ tourists’ spots consists Tokyo Sky Tree, Sapporo JR Tower, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Goryokaku Tower etc. Japanese love to explore the world and so they are known to be amongst the biggest spender when it comes to international tourism.

9. Australia
International tourism expenditure in 2012: $27.6 billion

Most number of people across the world travel to Australia for higher education. Apart from this, Australia also attracts people for its natural beauty and wildlife. Australians believe in living a quality life and they consider travelling as the most important part of their lives. In the year 2012, International tourists spent $27.6 billion.

10. Italy
International tourism expenditure in 2012: $26.2 billion

Italy is not only famous for its culture traditions and cuisines, but it is also one of the most favorite destinations for tourists. Some of the most famous spots in Italy are Rome, Florence, Venice, and Naples and others.
Italy has influenced others cultures worldwide. And Italians are considered to be one of the biggest travel spenders in the world with the total travel expenditure of $26.2 billion in 2012.

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