10 Things Apple Won't Tell You

3. We're Getting in the Way

According to a recent report from mobile security company LookOut, one in five people reach for their phone as a 21st Century replacement for the post-coital cigarette. Checking Facebook account during dinner has become very common.

Prayers are also interrupted by the ringing sound of phone in people’s pocket or of their neighbours. LookOut also found that one in ten people check their phones during religious services. Chris Young, executive director of The Protocol School of Washington says, “People don't even tend to think about any of this as a breach of etiquette anymore. They see their phones as an extension of themselves."

There are other theories too about why people can't put their iPhone down. Larry Rosen, author of "iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us" says, “Apple's products are addictive". Some 25% of people see their iPhone as "dangerously tempting" and 41% said losing their iPhone would be "a tragedy," according to a 2010 Stanford University poll.