10 Tech Icons Who Left Us In 2013

Aaron Swartz: (1986 - 2013)

Aaron Swartz, an American genius was a computer programmer, writer, political organizer and was best known as the internet activist. Swartz played a major role in developing and creating Reddit (which is a social news site), and RSS (a web feed format). He was basically known for his creativeness in the field of technology like it could be behind blogs, or any other web-based application which renders services.

But this genius could not carry it further as his death news shocked the Tech world. The reason behind this was Swartz who had been held for posting paid-access federal court documents online which is against the law and also for downloading MIT articles with an intension to distribute them for free.

This came hard on Swartz where prosecutors insisted he pleaded guilty and goes for a commuted sentence, or a trail to face up to 35 years. This instance took a toll on Swartz who later went in to depression and committed suicide at his Brooklyn apartment on January 11 which cut short his future.

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