10 Inventors Killed By Their Own Inventions

#6 Horace Hunley

Horace Hunley was a marine engineer who built the first range of hand powered submarines at the time of American civil war. Hunley, along with James R. McClintock and Baxter Watson built two submarines. After an unsuccessful attempt to build the third one, Hunley decided to build one alone. In the first run, five out of nine crew members were died after the submarine swamped.

A second crew was recruited and on its second attempt, On October 15, 1863 Hunley himself took the command. The vessel again sank, killing all the crew members including Hunley.

The story doesn’t end there. The sunken vessel was raised and used again in the first successful attack and sinking of an enemy vessel by any submarine in the history. But along with the enemy vessel, the submarine also sank.

The submarine was recovered after 132 years from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.