10 Indian States with Highest Sex Ratio

Rank: 6
Manipur also shows an increase in sex ratio in the past decade. The state has recorded 987 women per 1000 men in 2011 and it was 978 women per 1000 men in 2001. The increase of +9 in the sex ratio is a positive trend in the state. The report said, “Since the last five decades the sex ratio has been moving around 930 of females to that of 1000 of males in the country,” as per census2011.

Rank: 5
Chattisgarh, with just +1 increase in the sex ratio has made it to the fifth spot as the state has always maintained a high sex ratio. The state had a ratio of 991 women per 1000 men in 2011 and it was 990 women per 1000 men in 2001.  The report states, “The major cause of the decrease of the female birth ratio in India is considered to be the violent treatments meted out to the girl child at the time of the birth,” as per census2011.Co.

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