10 Global Cities with Least Opportunities

Kuala Lumpur
The most popular city of Malaysia scores 66 on the scorecard and stands at the bottom sixth position on the list of intellectual capital and innovation. Kula Lumpur was once the center for executive and judicial branch of the federal government, some section of judiciary still remains in the city. As one of the other criteria’s on the survey is health safety and security, it says “If you don’t have public safety, the money you’re apportioning to libraries and parks is wasted: If people don’t feel safe, they’re not going to use them. If you make it safe, businesses will come and invest; jobs will be created”. Security is the key for well being but the first parameter still remains intellectual and innovative growth.

Mexico City
Mexico City is at the seventh place as it scores low  at 82 on the intellectual capital and innovation. Another one of the federal cities, the city is the country’s largest and significant as the center for cultural, political, financial and educational activities.  The report  said “What we have to do is make cities a lot more livable. It means, more consistent with the fundamental emotional needs, the instinctive needs of human beings.” The cities do offer good living, but the promise of a better tomorrow needs to be incorporated.