10 Global Cities with Least Opportunities

Sao Paulo:
Sao Paulo is Brazil’s largest city, and is a prominent center for trade and finance. It is also a popular hub for arts and entertainment. Sao Paulo has world influence and recognition. The city is named in the honor of Saint Paul.  It stands fourth on the intellectual capital and innovation list with a low score of 60. “It is only when cities reach their maximum efficiency that their economic and social payback to their societies is at their peak” the report said unanimously about the low scored cities.

Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Capital of Argentina gets the fifth lowest place and scors 63 on the intellectual capital and innovation record. It is the most significant global center and competitive market located in Latin America. Buenos Aires is known to offer best quality of life. It is the most visited tourist destination. The city seems promising yet, the low innovation rate is a reason for concern. As the report said- to make an idea work is the biggest challenge in most cities.