10 Game Changers of the Internet Infrastructure

9. Debra Chrapaty, CIO, Zynga:

Debra, during her past lives as a technical executive at NBA, Etrade, Microsoft and CISCO has been lucky to witness the developments in the field of cloud very closely since the introduction of the technology. She recalls how IT leaders would not believe in cloud sighting concerns regarding security but now embrace the technology with open arms. She is currently working as the CIO of Zynga that has been using the Amazon Web Services over a long period of time as it realized at the very early stages that building up your own infrastructure would entail huge sum of money and it practically makes no sense when one can adapt to cloud that not only cuts the costs but also has numerable other benefits. She had been a pioneer in cloud computing.

8. Simon Crosby, CTO & Co-founder, Bromium:

Most of the people will recognize Crosby as someone who has contributed in transforming the IT infrastructure but the truth lies in the fact that he did, indirectly his contributions with the open source hypervisor, Xen are known to all and is one of the major reason that led to the founding of Cloud computing. His contributions cannot be disregarded in transforming the IT infrastructure that we see today.