10 Costliest Cities for Expats

3. Stavanger:

Stavanger, another Norwegian country is in the third spot as the world’s most costly country for overseas employee. It has risen from fifth rank in 2012. According to ECA International data for Stavanger, a movie ticket costs the equivalent of $18.68; a beer at a bar costs $13.19, while a soda costs $3.17 and a dozen of eggs costs $8.30.

4. Juba:

Juba- an African nation from the republic of South Sudan is one of the expensive countries for expats. It ranked fourth on the global ranking conducted by ECA. Having gained independence just in 2011 from Sudan, it has jumped forty-one spots since ECA's previous year’s report. According to the ECA report, it suggests the cost of living which includes hard drinks like a bottle of beer at a bar which are sold at the rate of $5.16, a can of soft drink costs $1.62 and food items like a dozen eggs will be at $5.88.

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