10 Biggest Tech Hubs In The World

#2 Tel Aviv

Country: Israel

Startup Output Index: 2

Funding Index: 1

Performance Index: 12

Overall rank: 2 Overall rank: 1

Israel’s Silicon Wadi beat out the places commonly thought of as startup hotbeds, such as Los Angeles New York and Seattle, according to researcher Startup Genome. The city is overflowing with software developers and venture capital. Larger companies, including Google, have set up offices there. Facebook is now there, too, after acquiring facial-recognition developer Face.com in June.

#1 Silicon Valley

Country: The United States

Startup Output Index: 1

Funding Index: 1

Performance Index: 1

Overall rank: 1

It is the biggest technology hub in the world, housing almost all tech brands. Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo, Intel, and many other big names from tech world.

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