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Advice Request
Zafar Ahmad
Zafar Ahmad

Zafar Ahmad

IT Project Manager



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Books recommended
Non fictions esp. those on Leadership and strategic thinking.
My strongest Skill
Interpersonal , Time management , Go-getter , Constant learner , firm believer on Value addition.
Challenges faced in job
Sinusoidal nature of International economy keeps me always on toe and compel me not to take anything for granted. The Organizational and market demand to form and lead reliable teams when people are finickier than ever, and ability is measured against my own capability to build a rock solid castle of profit on ever-shifting sands. And all this when I has a full fledged personal life to take care of . A positive and realistic attitude keeps me going and provides the needed energy and guarded enthusiasm.
Being different
Having basic attributes of human nature no different from any other human being , I always try to convince myself that the abilities are mostly underutilized and hence I need to work towards bigger and innovative contributions. I must work to remove status quo by giving different thought angles to same problems.While others may find safer using conventional wisdom to deal with visible and perceived problems , I never hesitate to keep all options open while dealing with head challenging issues ..I always believe that at best I can break the ice and pave the way for others , at worst things may still be worked out following tested conventional mechanism and processes.
Managing professional as well as personal life
The definitely most important question,to which I would say that the life is beautiful in or out of office , my work is my hobby taken for extended hours and my family time to me a beach walk through the breeze. I know my job well and and hence keep it time bound using efficient ways which helps me to keep my personal life purely personal in hours of a day... I enjoy both lifes equally and when you start enjoying anything , its never a pain and if it is , you develop an skill to deal with that and come out of it with a broad smile.
Company and job profile
Born & Brought up in a small Village of an Indian State named UP , moved to the city and after completing my Schooling from Lucknow(India) I have done B.Tech in Computer Sc & Engineering from Jamia University , new Delhi followed by Masters In Management (IT) from UBI , Belgium.

I am assisting my Client & the employer in Project Management & Service Delivery in Capacity of IT Project Manager.Currently employed by Los Gatos based organiziation , Infogain pvt ltd and deputed in Singapore to work for its key Client which is also one of the top three 'most valued' companies of the world.
Making job easier
I understand my job pretty well and adhere to the processes, respect individuality of all folks around and believe in value addition to the client as well as to employer.
My important career decision
To get into the less travelled technology area believing that things not normal can give you better chances to advance the career.

To opt for challenging technology management role has payed a dividend and will continue to guide.
My achievement
Someone who could never think of basic education has got the best education and great opportunities to display the abilities in diversified career spectrum.

Have been awarded the best speaker award in one of the National Debate contest by the then Prime Minister of India Mr VP Singh

Have always been recognized for the work that I have delivered to the organizations worked for.

Have a wonderful wife and amazing 2.5 year old son :)
Goals and Ambitions
To Integrate well with aspirations of the underprivileged societies and help them to evolve in best possible way.

Implement technology solutions which can address social issues .

Join passive politics to give all aspirations a strategic momentum
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
We lack ability to accept failure . Though we have great talents available , we always prefer safest path .To get into product development required sustained patience and investment without immediate results ; we are not taking that risk .

We must invest in ideas and government must encourage such investment by financial backing.
Family Background
Spent childhood in a very small village of Uttar Pradesh where electricity still a big thing.Due to not so strong financial background , had to take the onus of my education on self starting from class 8th when I started giving tuitions which continues until I got a job. Now I am married and have a wonderful 2.5 year old son named Zyan. I appreciate my parents for their constant endeavor towards my education esp. in the circumstances I grew.
My advice
To them I would say , have patient , believe in self and if you aspire to become something then be focussed ..and do remember to value time as with sixty seconds , the worth of a distance runs.
Current Trends
its era of communication devices where all Top IT companies are competing , sustenance & growth will depend on how reasonable are your innovation instead thrusting anything to the consumer...Mad race of competitive will also give rise to unhealthy corporate practices and plagiarism , the one who will keep itself away from such madness and focus on long term alliance with the consumer and society in large will service.
My role model
I dont believe in role model , if there is any then to me that would mean that I am trying to be what has already existed . I believe in being what I am , don't want to be any body else , it will be repeat in the episode of life and repeat no matter how great it may be , most time it turn out to be boring.
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