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Advice Request
Viswanath N Rao
Viswanath  N Rao

Viswanath N Rao

Chief Finanancial Officer (CFO)

Analytics Quotient

Outlook about India as A developed country
Being innovative in applying ideas into problem solving would defenetly help resolve most of the challenges faced by India. Professionals with their organising and collaborative skills can do wonders on picking up key issues and providing leadership in resolving the same. In India as every one is aware channelising of the avialable abundant resources (in whatever form they are for e.g. human capital, subsidies, natural resource etc) is a major concern for the leap required by our country to be tagged as a developed nation. Another critical problem would be that majority of population being satisified or content with whatever they have at their disposal, its the vision of professionals who can educate or spread awareness of DREAMING BIG which can lead to everyone striving at excellence and acheiving the bliss of best being available to one and all.
Recommending References
- Execution ( By Larry Bossidy)
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
- Reverse Innovation, Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble

- Harvard Business Review

- Daily any 2 news paper
New trends in domain
Big Data and Analytics are the next big technolically sofisticated but best result driven areas to look for. Any decision making for a leader without being backed by a good set of data can be disastorious. Now check on the combination of smart technology using the abundant data created being analysed using statistical and quantitative methods, the output of this will sure be a boon to any business leader. Though analytics has been in some form for long now, but the use of technology and availability of clean data has enhanced the quality of analytics which will be boon to the business world.
Journey in corporate world
Have been part of corporate world close to 15 years. Started career with General Electric (GE) in their medical equipments business being part of the accounting and management reporting function. Later with the IT behemoth Hewlett Packard (HP) garnered financial management skills for 5 years in 3 businesses and a short stint in US. Later employed by Microsoft (India) on a short but very vibrant stint in Bangalore for nearly 3 years, back to HP family at IT services giant Mphasis for next 3 years managing Group Corporate Finance, Financial Planning 881984 Analysis and Investor Relations. Off late working in high growth analytics start-up heading the finance function.
Way to ensure growth
Everday its a learning be it at home or office or on the road beating the peak hour traffic. I learn from my year old daughter how to appreciate simple things in life, at office learn from the support staff as to how humble to get even when you execute a complicated task or at traffic how not to steer your way through when there are others deserving before you do. On a serious note, being updated with use of technology, simple solutions, upgrading academically by attending webcasts, webinars, seminars and conferences, collaborating with peers are few which would help in growing through my career.
Important Career Decision
Few of the important career decisions would be as follows
> Start in accounting function and grab every opportunity to learn more in every aspect of Finance function.
> Grab every challenge as an opportunity like taking up an onsite role which invlolved transitioning back the job to India etc
> Additional responsibilities in existing profiles and change in roles at suitable intervals within the organisation. job rotation
> Whenever i changed organisation i ensured that i get a profile which i have a need to enhance my skills and also through which i can effectively contribute to the organisation
Essential qualities
To excell in Finance function there are few essential qualities or skill and according to me they would include
> Integrity
> Flare to numbers
> Business acumen
> Effective collaboration accross business functions
> Strategic thinking

Though these are the skills to be possesed, honing the same as and when one move up the ladder is very critical. A finance partner will be looked upon by business leaders as one who not only provide the P&L view but also add value by suggesting strategies to acheive the common goal. Finance partners also have to act as watchdog for corporate compliance and goverance has to be on their minds in every step.
Advice for followers
The opportunities are ample and its to the individual to contribute and conquer the world canvas. CFOs are not traditional anymore where they only looked upon for book keeping but its a critical function leading and guiding the business in framing strategies, resource planning and execution to achieve business objectives. Finance function is critical to a small private limited company or a multi-billion exchange listed companies. In such an environment the finance professionals have a challening tasks staring at them and hence not only academically but through equipping on business models, banking skills, negotiating skills, problem solving skills and collaborative skills will come handy
Current Job & Role
Am the CFO of Analytics Quatient group, a global pure play advanced Analytics services provider. Apart from leading the regular financial diciplinary funtion including corporate finance, treasury, controllership and statutory compliance, contribute for corporate strategy and risk management.
Family Background
Born and educated in silicon city of India Bangalore, except for short stints in US my career progressed based out of Bangalore. Father worked in finance function of HMT Ltd for 30 years and opted voluntary retirement, now enjoying his time with grandchild. Mother a home-maker. Married to Jyothi a knowledge management professional associated with Hewlett Packard for close to a decade now, we find our solace and stress relief moments with our year old daughter Aadya. My younger brother also a chartered accountant and currently employed with NTT Data
Outlook about option to start career again
I was fortunate enough to get the best in my career so far. The learning path has been really good and am thankful to all my organisations where i had the opportunity to progress my career. Few asks would be more exposure to multi cultural environment and international stint for a longer tenure and exposure in few operational areas to have my foundation in finance grow more stronger
Few of my acheivements which am proud off are as follows
> End to End Financial Planning and reporting system designed, structured and implemented for a multi national, multi currency, multi cultural business entity from the scratch. This platform is used even when the business grew multi-fold as the same was equipped with flexbility to change with organisation needs. This execution was possible for me due to opportunity i got to work in a larger business environment spread accross the globe.
> The entity which i was overseeing was adjudged the best in compliance and accounting disciple in the region. This was executed with the least manpower but with high quality deliverables. The best practices adopted by me for running the finance operations was later replicated in the rest of 3 businesses of the same company in the region.
> Best in class accuracy acheived for a billion dollar P&L forecasting which assissted the senior management in making critical decisions.
Changes in My Profession
As organsations have moved on the environment for professionals have also changed. Information explosion is the talk of the day and unless one is equipped with information regarding the latest technology, latest tools avialable to execute a task, latest trend in project management it will be a rough path for professionals to see their way though. There are bunch of new laws passed, lots of amendments in wake of new ways of doing business, bunch of new opportunities in business modelling are new to any finance professional compared to the past. The best part being avialabity of resources to enhance one's skillsets are also grown in leaps and bounds and its at finger tips to professionals these days as compared to scarcity which was seen a decade and half ago
Challenges in profession
Accounting scams though are being aimed to be history but unless and until all finance professionals vow to practice integrity at its truest sense. Finance professionals have a vast global canvas to present their skills and has to carefully chose their area of expertise to contribute, else being lost in maze is a common scenario these days.
Career Expectation
Its good to dream but 2 years from now should not be a dream far away to be real to achieve. My plans are in place to execute in my current role leading the finance discipline in my organisation and contribute to the growth of business. As finance professional I wish to be an enabler to unleash the potential this organisation has to offer by being part of the senior leadership team.
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