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Vishwesh Jirgale
Vishwesh Jirgale

Vishwesh Jirgale

Enterprise Mobility Specialist and Chief Technical Architect

AgreeYa Mobility


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The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
When I was a kid, I was always fascinated with what was happening in the Mobile world. Thus, in 2005, I moved on from enterprise software development to mobile applications to pursue my passion.

I started with Palm, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Blackberry development and spent lot of time learning the ecosystem and user experience/design patterns along the way.

When Android came I quickly jumped onto it and made sure that I learn and mentor others about potential and possibilities of the platform. All this happened before I fell in love with iPhone and in particularly iOS.

My journey started as a self motivated developer exploring his way into mobility and it still continues today where I act as a Product Manager and Chief Architect for Mobile and Cloud solutions for Enterprise and Consumer domains.

My current focus is on building high potential Agile teams who can work together to create products with best possible user experience across multiple mobile platforms.
Decision That Mattered
Leaving ever growing (with great H1/Onsite/ Money making opportunities) enterprise software domain and jump into mobile applications in 2005.

Second decision came when I decided to consult for a mid-sized startup (Quickoffice) rather than working for products built for large OEMs (Samsung's and LG's).

Both decisions were taken purely out of passion and at that time they were risky ones. But with high risk there is high reward and higher satisfaction.
The Turning Points
True turning point was when we decided to work on True Cross Platform Mobile+Cloud based SaaS product in Quickoffice and I was chosen to lead the cross platform client team which involved building application on Android, iOS, Windows, OSX etc. There I got exposed to and overwhelmed by Cloud and HTML5 and that gave me a huge boost and added new fuel which is helping me go long way.
Two Years Down the Line
Build great teams which can deliver best designed products on Mobile Devices.
Lessons Learnt
The most important lesson I have learnt "The best investment you can make is into yourself", it can be investment of time, money, skills, motivation etc. You are responsible for your career.
Trends to Watch Out For
Bringing Mobility into Education, Merging of social+local+enterprise+mobility, Context aware softwares (search/mapping/shopping/advertisement/privacy settings etc.)

These trends definitely drive towards one thing, so far we learnt mobile technologies and how to utilize them, now its time for mobile to learn about us and become our true personal assistant in every sense.
My Advice If You are Starting Out
Key is to remember that building mobile applications is not only about writing best possible optimized code but core focus should also be on building right User Experience.

Anyone who wants to jump start mobile application development should first use (many of) them and more importantly pay for them.

Journey from an end user to a developer always helps you build right products.
Areas of Specialization:
We really need (especially in India) designers who understand mobile user experience well. Other areas like cross platform applications, enterprise will also have their own share in future of mobility.
Books/ Websites I Recommend
There are plenty, but people who are interested in Android and iOS best is their own developer websites from Google and Apple. You will find enough resources there to get you started.
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